Danielle McNabb nabs the ball

Courtesy of Rochester.edu

The women’s basketball team defeated New York University 57-54 Friday, Feb. 3 at the Coles Sports Center in New York. Junior forward Danielle McNabb topped all scorers in the game with 17 points. As UR’s only double-figure scorer, McNabb scored several layups and three-pointers to bring Rochester ahead for the win.

What’s your major?
I am double majoring in political science and health policy.

Why did you choose UR?
I chose UR based on its academic excellence and its competitive basketball program. Plus, the girls were insanely awesome when I visited, so I had to come here.

When did you start playing basketball?
Fourth grade.

Why basketball?
I actually wanted to be the next Mia Hamm, but my dad thought it would be wise to sign me up for basketball since I had a six-inch height advantage over most girls.

Do you have a mentor who has helped you get where you are?
My parents.

What is the best advice a coach has given you?
“Leave everything on the court or you all are a bunch of marshmallows.” What emotions do you feel while you are on the court?
I feel as if I am exactly where I should be.

What has been your favorite basketball moment at UR?
Competing nationally in Barbados last year.

What is the hardest part of basketball?
Choosing a new pair of shoes.

What are your individual goals for the remainder of the season?
Not to foul out of anymore games.

Team goals?
To win a national championship like every year, but first we have to beat Chicago this Friday.

Woodworth is a member of the class of 2015.

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