Laser Lab
funding increased

Thanks to the efforts of members of New York’s Congressional delegation, led by U.S. Senator Charles Schumer and U.S. Representative Louise Slaughter, Congress has increased the funding for UR’s Laboratory for Laser Energetics (LLE) for the 2010 fiscal year, reaffirming the federal government’s strong support of the facility’s cutting-edge research into the nation’s energy future.

This funding, a $4.5 million increase over President Barack Obama’s FY 2010 Budget, brings the total appropriation to approximately $60 million.

‘This support will help preserve and leverage both of the great resources of this laboratory,” Director Robert L. McCrory said. ‘The physical resources of the laboratory are vital, but so are the human resources, and this funding will allow us to continue to combine those assets in pursuit of greater energy independence, including our critical role in the National Ignition Campaign that will lead to a demonstration of controlled thermonuclear ignition on the National Ignition Facility and enhanced national security.”

In 2007, the Department of Energy and the University signed a five-year, $351 million Cooperative Agreement renewing their support of LLE’s research into the development of controlled, thermonuclear fusion energy sources and high energy density physics.
Courtesy of Communications.

Weight loss
program funded for the deaf

The UR Medical Center and its partners in the deaf community are setting out to tackle a common problem obesity by using a unique approach.

Researchers will launch the nation’s first randomized, clinical study of ways to reduce obesity in the underserved deaf population.
Audrey Schell, who is deaf, said she is a perfect example of someone who might benefit from a tailored weight loss program. At 57, Schell said she has always been overweight, but, unlike her counterparts in the hearing world, she has not received the same messages throughout her life about eating healthy and exercising.
‘It hits deaf people only when it begins to impact your health and in my case it was borderline diabetes,” Schell said, through a sign language interpreter.

UR hailed a good neighbor

UR ranked 13th today in a list of the ‘Best Neighbor” colleges and universities. UR is the leading employer in the Rochester region.

The survey, ‘Saviors of Our Cities: Survey of Best College and University Civic Partnerships,” was released by Westfield State College in Massachusetts. The college President Dr. Evan Dobelle, who ran the selections, said that it was crucial forUniversities to maintain a strong relationship with their local communities in It singled out urban institutions that have positive impacts on their communities. Criteria include dollars invested, faculty and student involvement in community service and K-12 partnerships.

UR was honored for its civic engagement efforts through its Community Service Network and for the UR Medical Center’s comprehensive approach to community health in providing important community services as well as conducting community-based research.

Tied for first place were the University of Pennsylvania and the University of Southern California.

The honor roll of 100 institutions also includes the Rochester Institute of Technology.

Students’ Association releases Fall 2024 election results

With new additions to the 2028 Class Council and Senate, UR’s Students Association has welcomed new members as a result of the Fall 2024 Elections.

New vocal jazz program at Eastman

Not a trace of the thunderous applause from just a moment earlier lingers in the air; instead, the crowd is hushed, breath caught in their chests for fear of breaking the spell.

I got tired of eating Pit food, so I made my own concoction

I’ve long since started getting food from off-campus (E Suki and Taichi my beloved), but recently I’ve considered giving campus food another try — this time, on my own terms.