‘Straight, but fun” disappoints
After reading ‘Straight, but fun” in the Thursday, Sept. 17 issue, I feel disappointed that such ignorant views of sexual preference and identification were published in the Campus Times. I agree with Mr. Gonzalez that narrow labels defining sexual expression are unnecessary and restricting. However, several comments made in the article could be perceived as insensitive to members of the LGBTQ community. The suggestion that bisexuality doesn’t exist but is instead a period of transition on the way to homosexuality is an unfair, blanket statement. Also, I have to admit my surprise at the assumption that being gay is now ‘mainstream” and that discrimination is generally no longer an issue

Though a number of social and political barriers have been brought down, many problems still exist and should be handled with greater sensitivity. While Mr. Gonzalez is entitled to his opinion, perhaps it would have been better placed in the Opinions, rather than the Features, section of the issue.
Bridget O’Connor
Class of 2011

Misleading health care Op-Ed
I highly object to Eloise Rogers’ assumptions in her article, ‘The encroaching threat of public health care.” Ms. Rogers seemed to imply that there is nothing wrong with our health care system and that we have model care that attracts immigrants to our country.
After attending R World R Vote’s panel yesterday, I can assert that Ms. Rogers is extremely misinformed. According to Steve Goldstein, President and Chief Executive Officer of Strong Memorial Hospital and Highland Hospital, 15 percent of our population does not have insurance, we pay more of our GDP than any industrialized country on health care, New York State Hospitals are in debt and the system is ‘literally bankrupt.” James Fatula, Chair and Associate Professor of the Department of Public Administration at the College of Brockport also stated that in 70 years health care will consume 49 percent of our national economy if it continues the path it is on now (i.e. no reform).
And Ted Brown, a professor of medical history here at the University of Rochester stated that 22,000 to 45,0000 Americans die every year because they don’t have insurance. American health care is actually broken, so we do need to fix it

Ms. Rogers launched a political attack on President Obama while ignoring these stark numbers and denying the state of health care in the U.S. today. She assumes that Americans who earn $50,000 to $75,000 a year can actually afford insurance, yet failed to point out that insurance purchased privately, or not through one’s employer, is extremely expensive. Maybe in this mixed bag of ‘middle class” Americans some people can actually afford health insurance, but many simply can’t. We can’t continue denying that people are literally dying and that our system is failing. Health care is a human right because health is intrinsically tied to life, and the right to life is a value that hopefully we all share. There will be changes with reform, but a ‘government takeover” is highly unlikely. Doctors will never be paid by the government directly and bureaucrats will never be in the position to make decisions on an individual’s care.

With reform, the government will simply be subsidizing care, and this already works. It’s called Medicare. Opponents of reform must stop playing political games and shouting nonsensical rhetoric. Members of Congress and constituents alike must have rational discussions about health care or we do our country a disservice.
AnnA Coughlan
Class of 2011

Students’ Association releases Fall 2024 election results

With new additions to the 2028 Class Council and Senate, UR’s Students Association has welcomed new members as a result of the Fall 2024 Elections.

Pit introduces new coffee machine

Frequent visitors to Wilson Commons’ Pit might have noticed a new addition: a self-service coffee machine.