A student’s vehicle was noticed resting against a light pole at the entrance to Lot 1 at the intersection of Kendrick and Crittenden Roads on Saturday morning, according to UR Security Investigator Dan Lafferty.

The vehicle was noticed while the security dispatcher was on the phone with a student who reported that his friend had not returned home after dropping him off. The student had called the dispatcher shortly before 5:01 a.m. on Saturday.

Responding officers discovered that the vehicle was still running and in gear. The officers also found the driver in the vehicle, seemingly sound asleep behind the wheel. Officers identified the driver as an undergraduate student.

The officers also reported noticing a strong odor of alcohol in the vehicle.

Police arrived on scene and administered a field sobriety test. Afterwards, they took the student, who sustained no apparent injury, to State Police barracks to initiate further testing. The student’s car was towed to the police impound lot.

The vehicle sustained moderate damage, while the light pole sustained minor damage.

Charges against the student are pending.

Three suspects believed to have stolen computer

Officers arrived at Wilder Tower at approximately 5:25 p.m. on Thursday to respond to the report of a larceny in progress, according to Lafferty.

A student told the officers that her laptop computer had recently been stolen from her room. She gave officers the physical descriptions of three suspects who she had noticed hanging around outside her room. The room was unsecured.

The student reported that she had only left her room for a moment. Returning to her room, she found that her laptop was missing.

Next, the student exited her room only to enter her hall, where she observed the three suspects. She proceeded to yell at them, at which point the suspects fled down the stairs.

A witness reported observing people running out of the building.

The immediate and surrounding areas were checked for the suspects. The results were negative, and the student did not file a police report.

Fight breaks out on fraternity back porch

Officers observed a fight occurring on the back porch of the Delta Kappa Epsilon Fraternity house at 1:08 a.m. on Saturday night, according to Lafferty. The officers were performing a routine party check.

The fight was apparently instigated with an unprovoked attack. The victims, who were identified as two students, reported that they were on the back porch when the suspects began to hit them.

The victims reported that the suspects, identified as a student and a visitor, punched one victim in the face and the other several times in the head.

According to the report filed by the officers, alcohol was believed to be a contributing factor in the incident.

The student who was punched in the face suffered a small laceration above his eye. He was taken to Strong Memorial Hospital Emergency for evaluation and care.

The second victim refused medical treatment.

The suspect who was not affiliated with the University was issued an interim ban form and subsequently escorted from University property.

The victims decided not to report the incident to the police.

Information provided by UR Security.

Wrobel is a member of the class of 2010.

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