Since graduating from UR in 1999, Marc Vera has done a lot. He attended the School of Information at the University of Michigan and got a Masters of Science in Information, with a focus on Archives and Records Management. He currently works for Entertainment Weekly and lives in Rochester where he owns :nook, a trendy new store located in the South Wedge, one mile away from campus.

What is the title of your current job at Entertainment Weekly and what role to do you play at :nook?

“I am currently the Database Librarian for EW’s I am also the proprietor/owner of :nook.

I work everyday for Entertainment Weekly while at :nook so if you come into the store during the week, I’ll be using a Mac Powerbook doing my EW work and a PC to ring up customers.”

What did you major in at UR? Are you doing what you planned to do after you left UR or is it something completely different?

“I majored in Cell and Developmental Biology with a minor in Art History. I never thought I would work for a major magazine/web site when I left UR. I thought I wanted to work in the music industry, which I did for a bit, but then I went to grad school at Michigan. I really fell into the job at EW and I’ve been working there for four years now.”

If you could redo anything from your time at UR, what would you change?

“I don’t think I would’ve lived in special interest housing. While I loved my time on the Music Interest Floor (MIF), I feel that it stunted me from making stronger connections with people in my class and I would have gotten off campus more had I not lived there. I didn’t know that South Wedge existed until my senior year. There are great shops and places to eat.”

Was there a particular activity or campus organization that you were heavily involved in at UR?

“I was the music director, promotions director and FM program director at WRUR. I was involved at the station from my freshman year on. I spent all of my time there.

I was also president of GLBFA (now Pride Network) during the Matthew Shephard incident. I began a concert series put on by GLBFA. It brought such groups as Rainer Maria and The Butchies to campus for free.”

What good advice do you have for current UR students?

“Never stop asking questions and always ask alums for help or advice. You never know where alums are.

Also, never be afraid to try new things. I moved to England for a few months after graduating and worked. It was the best decision I ever made.”

Siegel is a member of the class of 2010.

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