The goal is to kill people and the more people you kill, the more prizes you get. At least, that’s the idea behind the campus-wide game of Assassins that started this Monday.

In Assassins, everyone is given a nametag with someone else’s name on it. They then have to hunt down this person and stick the nametag on them without being hunted down first.

If they succeed, their victim is dead and the person who their victim was supposed to “kill” becomes their new target.

In agreement with UR policy, certain areas are off limits — such a person’s dorm room, the ITS Center or the library.

The game is being sponsored by the Burton-Lovejoy Hall Council, costs $2 per person to play and will end when only one person is still alive.

The sign-up period began in early February when interested students had two weeks to see their RAs to sign-up. According to treasurer of Burton-Lovejoy Hall Council Dave Chapman, RAs were “emailed and given envelopes” to hang outside their doors.

When it was discovered, however, that miscommunication meant that residents in Towers and Susan B. Anthony halls were unaware of the game, the sign-up period was extended and more posters were put up in both locations in to increase participation.

Currently, there are only 24 people playing and all are residents from either Towers, Lovejoy, Burton or Gilbert.

The project was inspired by a similar version of the game that the Tiernan Project group sponsored last semester, and this semester’s game was originally intended to be a fundraiser for the hall council.

That idea is being reconsidered now due to lack of involvement, especially in regards to how the many that the hall council made will be spent.

“We were originally going to split [the money] — fifty percent would go to the hall council and [the other fifty percent would be split between] the person who lasted the longest and the person who had the most kills,” Chapman said.

“Now we’ll probably just split it between the two winners,” he added.

“There’s a chance we might rerun this after spring break, depending on what happens with the game.”

Last semester, the hall council sold “Gobblegrams” in Wilson Commons, which proved to be a very successful fundraiser.

The money was used for activities like a potluck, Thanksgiving dinner, a ski trip, hall decorating and multiple game nights.

For the first few weeks following spring break, they will be selling carnations in Wilson Commons.

The game’s organizers are looking for more interested in playing Assassins.

For more information on the game’s progress and other hall council programs, visit the hall council Web site at

Jansen can be reached at

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