The Campus Activities Board and Women’s Caucus are sponsoring the performance of Eve Ensler’s off-broadway hit, “The Vagina Monologues,” this Friday at 8 p.m. and Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Strong Auditorium.

There are 35 people involved, mostly from the UR student body, but also contains some community members, including one woman from Planned Parenthood, and two hearing-impaired actors who will sign the monologues.

Ensler was the survivor of domestic abuse, and was inspired to write a play in affirmation of women.

All proceeds from these performances are going to Alternatives for Battered Women, a Rochester nonprofit organization to help combat domestic abuse and provide a shelter for battered women.

The performers are all female and are attempting to recreate, as nearly as possible, the original version of the play.

The show is being performed in honor of “V-day,” a day in recognition of the struggle of women against domestic violence.

Junior and performer Katie Moore is excited to be involved and said that some of the monologues are “explicit, but very funny and touching.”

The monologues are exactly what the title implies, and was assembled when Ensler put together a “series of monologues…from interviewing women about their vaginas.”

Junior Tia Nealy, director and organizer said, “I think it steps outside the boundaries of the normal stuff on campus.”

She continued, “Hopefully it will make people think about other issues.”

This show is currently being put on by over 550 colleges nationwide.

The performances are at 8 p.m. on Friday and at 5 p.m. on Sunday. Tickets are $5 at the Common Market or at the door.

Powell can be reached at


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