Stimulation for everyone

I would like to comment briefly on Joan Knihnicki’s advice column of Dec. 6, Sex & the CT, in which she discussed anal stimulation. The author of the letter seemed concerned that his girlfriend was interested in penetrating him anally with a dildo, and Knihnicki advised “Anxious Anus” to try to dissuade his mate from engaging in what the columnist assumed was an uncomfortable, unpleasureable act.

I would like to challenge the notion that anal stimulation for men is, one, an inherently painful act, and two, something reserved solely for homosexual males.

The anus itself is a very sensitive part of the body, packed full of wonderful nerve cells. On top of that, it is one of the most intimate parts of anybody’s anatomy. By expanding the boundaries of their sexual relationship to include the anus, Anxious Anus and his girlfriend have the potential of opening up new worlds of pleasure and sexual communion.

While I am not sure if Knihnicki has personal experience with anal intercourse (although it seems she is predisposed against it), her own history with the act is not entirely relevant in this situation. Anal intercourse for a man is inherently a much more intense experience thanks to the existence of the prostate, oft referred to as the male G-spot.

There’s no space on the prostrate-pleasure-train for you ladies! Direct stimulation of the prostate through anal intercourse is a new and unique pleasure unto itself. It often seems a great waste to me that God hid that pleasure button deep in a little-visited cave.

Knihnicki’s opinion seems to be that, overall, anal intercourse would be an obligation for Anxious, something he could do solely to make his girlfriend happy. To me, anal intercourse is a gift that Anxious’s girlfriend can give to him. Men, we must not fear our bodies! We must explore them and learn from them.

Couples, why not give yourselves the gift of anal sex this holiday season? Just because the act is predominant among gay men does not imply that the act must be limited to gay men or that receiving anal sex is emasculating.

Isn’t knowing one’s body and being entirely comfortable in it the most masculine way to be? What a waste to have a body and never explore it. Even if Anxious is afraid, isn’t it wrong to turn away from the things we fear in life, to deny ourselves new experiences simply because we are afraid?

I would advocate, of course, that everyone try anal sex at least once, that we all face unafraid the mysteries of our bodies. Anxious, you will never know unless you try.

Remember that anal sex is most fun when everyone and everything involved is clean. It is a good idea to empty your rectum before engaging, be it through a bowel movement or, even better, an enema. Finish with a thorough shower and take things very slowly. Use lots of lubricant and remember that dildos come in many sizes, some even designed for use in the ass. Choose something appropriate and set forth on your journey to freedom, self-discovery and pleasure!

? Patrick Ripton

Class of 2001

Stereotypes should not be furthered

As a UR alumnus and member of the Greek system, Delta Gamma, as well as a former officer in the Panhellenic, I felt it imperative to comment on the article.

Although the reporting of the incident seemed impartial and non-accusatory, I was offended by Steve Lega’s comments and disagree with the stereotype that mutilating animals is “very typical of the attitudes of the fraternities.”

I am not aware of any fraternity or sorority that would condone such behavior by any member of their group. It seems as if Sigma Chi National and the local chapter share the same level of disgust and concern as the rest of the UR community.

If this is the case, and there was no proof that the group was guilty of the disgusting crime as the article implies, why was SC placed on probation?

It seems clear that this crime was committed by one disturbed, troubled and very violent individual who dislikes Greeks, SC or one of the brothers. Sadly any philanthropic activities performed by the entire Greek system are overshadowed by this immoral act.

Most fraternities and sororities promote the search for knowledge and growth through philanthropic, educational and leadership activities that will make their members more successful students, professionals and leaders. While the incident itself was appalling and horrific regardless of where it occurred, it is disconcerting that some people cannot look beyond the archaic stereotypes of the Greek system and see the incident for what it was: disgusting and troubling regardless of the location or group for which it was targeted.

? Renee Radbill Keats

Class of 1994

CT Online is a fascist dictatorship

The Campus Times Online was launched in February 1996 ? months before even the New York Times was available online. It was no small commitment on the part of its editors. I know because I was editor-in-chief at the time.

We knew that The College was about to shrink ? the Renaissance Plan had been announced the previous fall, destined to reduce the size of the undergraduate population by 20 percent.

The editors presumed that the size of the CT’s staff would shrink proportionately and that our advertising revenues would also shrink as a result of an inevitably smaller circulation. We went online anyway.

Our banner read, “Serving the University of Rochester community since 1873.” The present version reads, “The Student Newspaper at the University of Rochester.” The difference shows.

It shows with the present editors’ decision to outsource the electronic edition. Users cannot view the site without registering through Boston-based College Publisher.

While complaints about the site’s privacy policy are directed to College Publisher, I have no intention of outsourcing this tirade to anyone but the editor-in-chief.

An ostensibly student-run newspaper cannot have any part of its production, policies, and procedures under the jurisdiction of a third party.

None of this even begins to express my outrage with the registration process and its offered rationale. The editors ? or should I say College Publisher ? claim that they are collecting my e-mail address in order to serve me better. Just how dumb do you people think your readers are? While it is said that one man’s trash is another’s treasure, spam is spam.

The registration form later asked for my major. Funny, I don’t recall UR offering a major in criminal justice. Do we need more proof that College Publisher does not care about the Campus Times readership?

What we need is proof that the editors care, and I don’t see it.

? Joshua Rovner

Class of 1997

Don’t generalize about Greeks

Reading your last issue, I was quite disheartened by the amount of slander directed towards the Greek community. It would have to be the first time that I’ve been referred to as a future serial killer, or a spoiled rich kid.

I think a lot of the students in this school need to get over the baseless labels and open their eyes to what the Greek community actually represents.

Stop generalizing, if you want to make a comment about something, look into it first. Research and understand it. Stop blindly accepting the stereotypes you see in the news, TV and movies. If you want to give your opinion about the Greek community, meet the Greek community first.

Those who seem to enjoy making outrageous claims about Greeks and their motivations should take a look around them, and maybe then they will see all the positive influences that the UR Greek community offers. If it happens that you still find comfort in your stereotypes of us, then I believe you’ve stereotyped yourself ? as ignorant.

? Sriram Anne

Class of 2004


I fear I may have started this job off on the wrong foot. Right off the bat, when I stumbled into the reception of URMC, I committed the critical silly of asking where to go.

“Heartstopper” Season 3 is an ode to queerness and mental health

The hit queer coming-of-age show “Heartstopper” returns with its junior season — and this time it tackles heftier topics than before.