Fate leads us down roads that we can not know until we are on them. They may be treacherous or pleasant, but in the end they take us to another path in the long journey that we call life.

While at UR, I traveled down a road with the lot of you and it has had its bumps and potholes, but for the most part it has been a clear path toward enlightenment. Where else could I watch ?The West Wing? with a bunch of people that love the nuances of the writing? Where else could I write an opinion column about golf and its worth in finding tolerance and actually see it get published? Where else could I make a deal with a humorous writer about her writing for me when I publish my own magazine? Where else could I see three different people tossed into the same garbage can in the course of one night?

Thanks for the memories everyone, and to all of you who continue to travel down the road of life at UR and elsewhere, may your path be well lit and lead you to where you want to go.


The United Nation’s potential lies in global unity, not individual power

The U.N.’s response to the conflicts in Ukraine and Gaza has revealed both its potential and limitations.

The downfall of the plateocracy

Now, forks are able to be reunited with families. Plates are able to go home after decades in the kitchen. Spoons are able to live life on the dry-side, no longer submerged in sloppily executed imitations of soups and sauces. 

Society is pure advertising: an anti-consumption retrospective

It’s in our pockets, on our screens, and even in our conversations — always listening, always watching