Ack, I can?t believe it?s over! Thank you so much to everyone who has made it wild, crazy, and memorable over the years. Emily: You?ve been the best roommate, and friend, I could ever ask for. Two of a kind, we are. Chris: my favorite little dino-bird (you?ll love it that I put this in the paper!). I don?t know how you?ve put up with me, but I?m glad you do. Benny B, Jeffie, Danny, and Moroc: it?s been fun being ?one of the guys? all this time ? I?m gonna miss the lengthy Danforth trips. Bones, Cameo, and the rest of the Survivor crew: I?ll keep it simple ? you guys rock; ahaj! Oh yes, and I couldn?t forget ? Drew Abrams. Your name is finally in the paper! Gannett 5 Girls, I can?t forget my roots. Uh yis, it?s been crazy! Everyone at the bookstore: I?ll miss all the ?hard work? and awesome employees ? especially my fellow cooler cutie, Kathy! Mom, Dad, and Ebbie, I wouldn?t have made it without your love and support. And to everyone else who has touched my life at UR (and whose name I couldn?t squeeze into this box), thank you, thank you, thank you.

I?ll miss each and every one of you ? good luck in life and be sure to stay in touch! Much love, Lea

Fighting against poverty in Rochester with the Urban Fellows Program

Urban Fellows, an annual program hosted by the Center for Community Engagement (CCE) and funded by Americorp, gives undergraduate students the opportunity to work with local nonprofits over the summer — and get paid for it. 
