A graduate student from the Eastman School of Music remains in intensive care after being hit by a car Sunday.

Joanna Wulfsberg was crossing East Main Street toward Eastman against a red light when a car traveling eastbound through the green light struck her, Director of Security Walter Mauldin said.

?She was thrown from the impact and the driver stopped immediately,? Mauldin said.

The impact occurred on the front right side of the car, he said. The windshield and hood were heavily damaged.

The driver, a Rochester resident, was not ticketed.

Wulfsberg, a doctoral student in musicology from Tennessee, was stabilized and treated at the scene. She is currently at Strong Memorial Hospital with serious head injuries.

?Faculty and administrative staff have been visiting the hospital since the accident,? Eastman Dean of Students Phyllis Wade said.

Mauldin said that although the intersection is safe to cross, Security will be investigating the cycle time of the lights and working to improve signaling to pedestrians and vehicles.

He also points out that because of Eastman?s location, that section of the street sees a heavy volume of pedestrians, many of them carrying large musical instruments.

?We?ll definitely be working with Eastman and city traffic to make sure everything?s okay down there,? Mauldin said.

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