With the success of the ?Charity Challenge? 3 on 3 basketball tournament this past weekend, another competition is currently being planned.

Instead of raising money for the World Education Fund for Women, this competition, ?Hoopin? it up for Housing,? will have its proceeds go towards the freshmen housing experiment next year.

?People don?t realize the added expenses housing all freshmen together will entail. The money students pay toward their room covers the basic expenses such as the salaries for employees of Residential Life. The money we raise will go to freshmen-specific problems such as stomach pumpings, fire insurance and extra visits to Counseling and Mental Health Services for freshmen RAs,? said Gerald Gamm, Ph.D2, professor of Political Science and co-organizer of the charity event.

The event is slated to occur in April, despite reports that students don?t feel it is necessary.

?We had a committee to talk about this tournament with many student leaders present. Admittedly, many of the students said that it was pointless, but we?ve never really listened to student input before, so why the hell start now,? said Dean ?Fast Willie? Green, the other organizer of the event.

One definite attraction to this game is the fact that Green, Gamm, and President ?Dr. J? Jackson will be entering their own team into the tournament.

Jackson?s attendance will be an exciting event for many students. One student who expressed special excitement was senior Jonathan Skolnick.

?I once had a chance to photograph Big-foot, but unfortunately I had no film in my camera. If I could snap a shot of the infamous Thomas Jackson, my life might once again have meaning,? Skolnick said.

The entry of the administrative ?Dream Team? into the tournament may not just be a publicity stunt. In fact, Gamm believes they have a good shot at winning.

?Everyone knows I got game, but not everyone knows how good Dean Green is. I played Bill once and barely won. After that game I can say that it?s not easy beating Green,? Gamm said.

Students think Gamm may not be exaggerating in describing his own athleticism.

?I?ve only seen him talk to student athletes, so it would make sense that he has some skills,? Take Five Scholar Liz F. Kay said.

The missing piece of the puzzle is unarguably Jackson.

There can only be speculation on the level of skill that Jackson, who could not be found for comment, will bring to the tournament.

Junior Joanne Wu, an avid basketball fan, thinks Jackson has the potential to be a lethal weapon against student teams.

?For seven years he?s been avoiding students like his life depended on it. No student can be expected to guard him. Within five seconds of the start of any play, Jackson will undoubtedly have disappeared from the sight of the students he?s playing against and will be open to take any shot he pleases,? Wu said.

Gamm said that the tournament means much more than winning or losing.

?When I was at Harvard, they had 3 on 3 basketball tournaments, and look at how much their alumni give back to the school. If UR has basketball tournaments like other schools, then spirit will be up, students will look back at college more favorably, and future donations will be assured. That?s the bottom line,? Gamm said.

Once again, Admissions Director Jamie Hobba doesn?t know what the hell is going on.

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