Of the options available in the singles lottery Tuesday night, singlerooms in the Susan B. Anthony Residence Halls were by far the most popular.

?I?m glad I won?t be living in Phase. I?m glad I?m staying oncampus,? said Eva Fung, a sophomore with number 69, one of the highest lotterynumbers for the Class of 2003. She got one of the last female rooms in SBA. ?In Phase, even though I would have a nice single, I would be living closely with a couple of people that I don?t know.?

A total of 116 single rooms were available, with 52 in SBA and 60random-room suites in Hill Court. Of those rooms, 40 were designated as female, 41 male and 35 for either gender.

In addition, students had another chance to live in the Graduate Living Center.

Four stand-alone rooms in GLC are always part ofthe singles lottery. Unlike apartments, these rooms have no kitchenor lounge, although they do have a private bathroom. Both the $200 GLCincentive and the dining plan exemption still apply to these rooms.

Men fared slightly better in the race to secure space in SBA. Althoughall the female rooms had been taken by 7:50 p.m., the last male roomremained until 8:05 p.m.

Sophomore Chun Wang, who currently lives in Towers, ?went straight for asingle.?

For him, living in Towers wasn?t a problem.

?It?s not bad, but I just wanted a single,? he said.

Others were not so lucky.

?I?ll put in for a room change,? said sophomore Carmen Lemoine, who drewnumber 156 in the lottery picks. ?I kind of wonder if they hadn?ttaken some suites, if there would be a room for me.?

?It?s just a matter of getting housing at all at this point,? said sophomore CaseyRhodes, who came in at number 158.

The last female room in the singles drawing was given to 134, and the lastmale room to 149. The later numbers in the draw did not show up to the eventin time to be called.

?You say to people, ?Come, there may be people who pass,?? Associate Director of Residential Life Laurel Contomanolis saidat the draw. ?They?re kicking themselves now.?

Good luck

Sophomore Michael Reiter came despite his relatively high number. He was lucky that people ahead of him in the lottery did not show up. He gotthe last single room.

?I?m a total optimist,? he said.

And it?s a good thing, because he did not select a roommate as a backup plan to enter thedoubles lottery.

?I can?t tell you how relieved I am,? Reiter said.

Those who did not select a room in the singles lottery were automatically givennumbers in the doubles lottery.

?We?ll see what ends up happening,? Contomanolis said.


The doubles lottery has been beefed up with more rooms as well. The sixremaining doubles in the random-room suites in Hill Court are available,as well as the two apartments that have a kitchen, lounge area andbathroom.

In addition, Contomanolis said the back lounges of SBA will beconverted into doubles.

?We want to be sure the upperclass students get satisfied,? shesaid.

If students did not indicate a possibleroommate or had roommates selected a single room, Residential Life allowedthem to choose new ones until 11 a.m. Wednesday morning. Otherwise, theywere assigned random roommates.

More rooms

If the housing demand were to surpass the volume of available housing, Residential Life could remove graduate students from their apartments in GLC, Director of Residential Life Logan Hazen said.

However, Residential Life expects a number of single rooms to open up over the summer.

?It is quite likely ? though not absolutely guaranteed ? thatthrough the room change process we will be able to secure enough singles,and singles in suites, for those juniors who remain interested in living insingles,? read a letter given out after the singles lottery.

Room change forms will be available at the doubles lotteryinstead of after the usual one-week delay. Formsreceived by the end of the semester will be randomized and ordered byclass year. Rooms will be offered in that order.

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