Two members of UR Peace were arrested by the Rochester Police Department Wednesday after getting into an altercation while mediating a conflict between the Midnight Ramblers and the Yellowjackets.

The fight broke out between senior Erik Barnes and sophomore Samuel Hathaway, after the two reportedly disagreed about whether the groups needed to go to peace training or intergroup meditation, Security Investigator Dan Lafferty said.

?I?ve never seen any two people with such rage,? junior and Yellowjacket Rob Gellman said.

Senior and Rambler Caesar Luo agreed with Gellman.

?They just had at each other,? Luo said. ?Erik was like a hurricane. He started throwing lefts and rights like there was no tomorrow. It looked like Sam would be out for the count.

?But then, Sam answered with a flurry. He began truly floating like a butterfly and stinging like a bee,? Luo continued.

The fight was broken up by the Tiny People. The Yellowjackets and Ramblers were too stunned to react, Lafferty said.

UR Peace declined comment saying it was in a time of mourning due to the moral indiscretions of its members.

Both students were charged with assault and disorderly conduct and are currently out on bail.

Jugglers burn down Strong Auditorium

Strong Auditorium was left in ashes last Thursday night after the Strong Jugglers show went horribly wrong.

As senior Benny Jacobs and freshman Steve Marx juggled burning bowling pins, Jacobs dropped a pin. The pin rolled down the stage, colliding with a gasoline can carelessly left on stage by sophomore Zach Feldman. A brilliant explosion followed.

?Yeah, big deal,? Jacobs said. ?What did they expect? We were playing with fire. At least I only dropped that one pin.?

As the crowd frantically ran out of the blazing auditorium, sophomore Jason DeVoe was heard saying ?Aaaaaaaaaaaa!?

In a twist of fate, juggler and freshmanTori Sweetser caught on fire, making the show?s name, ?Strong Jugglers on Fire,? entirely accurate.

Estimated damage to the charred building was estimated at around $1,000.

To pay for the repairs, Senior Administrator and Director of Finance Ron Paprocki announced a $1,000 increase in every student?s tuition.

Wang rushed to hospital

Junior and former SA President Meng Wang was rushed to Strong Memorial Hospital late last night after following through with a promise to turn blue in the face while fighting for students? rights.

?He was blue as a blueberry on a cold day,? Lafferty said. ?He looked just like Papa Smurf.?

From his hospital bed, Wang said he was so distraught after losing the SA Presidency to a cartoon that he locked himself in the Ruth Merrill Center. Friends said he barricaded himself in the SA offices for more than four hours.

?I knew I?d make a beautiful shade of blue,? he said. ?At least I was able to fulfill one of my campaign promises.

Wang had suffered from prolonged oxygen deprivation but is recovering in intensive care.


I fear I may have started this job off on the wrong foot. Right off the bat, when I stumbled into the reception of URMC, I committed the critical silly of asking where to go.

Putting through the patriarchy: The golf club bias exposed

And while some may argue that there’s no harm in women taking up the sport in an attempt to “keep up with the guys,” the very fact that such expectations even exist speaks volumes about the barriers we’re still expected to navigate.

Quick lesson on claiming tables

The process of claiming a seat during meal time rush hours can be quite the hassle. If done incorrectly, it can result in you not having a place to sit or even worse — death.