Family, friends, colleagues and former students gathered to mourn the loss of Professor Emory Cowen at the Interfaith Chapel this past Saturday.

Cowen, 74, died Nov. 30, 2000 after a long illness.

He was a distinguished professor of psychology and psychiatry at UR, credited with introducing programs focusing on early prevention in troubled children.

Cowen earned a bachelor of arts from Brooklyn College in 1944 and, after serving in the Navy, earned his doctorate from Syracuse University. He joined the UR faculty in 1950 and continued teaching through the spring of 2000.

The method of Primary Mental Health Prevention, founded by Cowen and his colleagues in 1957, has met with great success and praise. It is attributed with preventing emotional and mental problems in children worldwide by promoting wellness early on.

Cowen ?was a giant in the field of mental health, whose work has helped to improve the lives of millions of children,? said Dean of the Faculty Thomas LeBlanc.

Cowen was also director of the Center for Community Study, which implemented his principles of early mental health care. He served as director of the undergraduate counseling service and as assistant and associate chair of the psychology department.

For his many achievements, Cowen was the recipient of prestigious awards including the American Psychological Association?s Award for Distinguished Contributions to Psychology in the Public Interest and the Outstanding Research Contribution Award from the New York State Psychological Association.

Cowen is remembered not only for his contributions to psychology but also for being a wonderful father, mentor and friend.

Cowen?s son Richard described his father as ?persistent, driven, compassionate, loyal and a true role model.?

Jo Ann Pedro-Carrol, who wrote her dissertation under Cowen, said that although he could be a tough mentor at times, ?he took as much care with other people?s work as he did with his own.?

Cowen also had a great affection for children. Pedro-Carrol recalled that even when he was very ill, Cowen had taken the time to write a birthday card to her son.

?Children reveled in their time with Emory,? she said.

Cowen is survived by wife Renee, son Richard and daughter-in-law Katie, son Peter and daughter-in-law Rebecca, son Andrew, daughter Lisa Cowen and four grandchildren, Laura, Jimmy, Timmy and Annie.

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