Tagged - travel

Let’s get lost! A wholesome travel tale

I’ve traveled abroad myself and can tell you two essentials you must bring along — a friend who can speak Spanish, and a pair of nice tits.

Research at Rochester: Through texts and city ruins, Remus digs up history

You might find her 10,000 feet in the air, towering over Chavín de Huántar, exploring through Ghana, or mingling with shopkeepers in our Public Market.

Not Vanilla: Traveling informed

Historically we’ve been fascinated by travel. You can see it in Western idealism of exploration — explorers risking their lives…

Sometimes, travel alone

What I’ve learned about vacations is that you need to be okay with opening your wallet. Go to a nice restaurant. Pay the steep admission fee to enter the palace rather than admire it from the outside and speculate about what lies within.