Tagged - flag display

Flag display temporarily removed, put under review

The flags were taken down at the request of President Sarah Mangelsdorf and Provost Robert Clark in response to “concerns raised about the display in past semesters."

Committee formed to address WilCo flag display

By April, UR deans will have answers to a long-standing question: What should be done about the flag lounge?  The…

Students hang Taiwanese flag beneath flag display

Dryer said they hoped that the event would be a platform “for the Taiwanese students to say, ‘We’re here, our identity is valid.’”

Flag display should be for the students, by the students

We appreciate the administration's attempt to avoid student conflict, but the flags should not be taken down. 

Deans’ email suggests an end to flag lounge

The Hong Kong and Taiwan flags were hung separately from the others, and initially listed on the WCSA website as sub-national entities. 

Painting war brings international controversy to tunnel

Messages hailed Hong Kong’s pro-democracy movement, asserted Tibet and Taiwan's autonomy, and called for an end to human rights violations against Uighurs. 
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Senate Summary: Palestinian flag, Tibet email

Last week’s SA meeting (Oct. 21) included clarification of rumored plans for removal of the Palestinian flag from Hirst Lounge,…

Unpacking Starbucks: Identities behind the Tibet-event fallout

Students — Tibetan, Chinese and others — were beginning to feel unsafe and targeted. Some had stopped going to class. Others were having nightmares.