Research at Rochester

Research at Rochester: Through texts and city ruins, Remus digs up history

You might find her 10,000 feet in the air, towering over Chavín de Huántar, exploring through Ghana, or mingling with shopkeepers in our Public Market.

Research at Rochester: Kazemi examines the problem of human-caused methane

Scientists like senior Roxana Kazemi have been studying the damage that methane has caused on the environmental forefront.

Research at Rochester: Trapp investigates longevity through naked mole rats

In collaboration with a postdoctoral associate, Trapp is studying the tumor-fighting mechanisms that appear to help naked mole rats live a healthier, longer life.

Research at Rochester: Turman explores identities through film photography

"There’s something special about old-timey faces where individuals in the photos have much softer features in posing versus the angular structure that we see today."

Research at Rochester: Senior Shagun Bose combines STEM and art

“A person who does sculpture is as much of an engineer as someone who works with robots,” Bose said. “They’re just using different mediums.”

Research at Rochester: Junior Cheng thinks parasites can help us

Lateral gene transfer would be like if a stranger you bumped into on the street gave you a part of their DNA that you could incorporate into your own genes. 

Research Rochester: In biochem and Italian, Guerra is authentically herself

Guerra added, “I do not know if it makes me a more well-rounded person. I can only say that it makes me who I am.”

Research Rochester: Maillie balances field hockey with adhesion proteins

“I've learned to be adaptable and lean into the different surges [...] each area brings, whether that’s a series of back-to-back presentations for lab or a run in NCAA tournament for field hockey,” Maillie said.

Research Rochester: Professor Topolski asks whether art can be research

As an art professor at a research institution, Allen Topolski is encouraged to embrace a research-like approach to art. “What we do is equated to research, so we’re expected to have shows and museums and galleries,” Topolski said. “Our studios equate to labs.”

Research Rochester: Cohavi investigates peer validation via social media

Half the participants — the “inclusion” group — got many likes. The other half — the “ostracism” group — received very few. In this way, Cohavi and Gearinger simulated peer validation as their experimental variable.