Not Vanilla

Not Vanilla: Jenna Marbles

Alright, reader. It’s time. It’s time for me to admit my maybe outdated slight obsession with Jenna Marbles. Maybe you’re…

Not Vanilla: Quizzes that tell you things about yourself

Hey reader! As you may already be aware, I’ve recently been trying to find a new way to procrastinate and…

Not Vanilla: Jewelry City

Reader, recently I’ve been delving back into my collection of jewelry. There are few feelings as exciting as donning the…

Not Vanilla: The dark side of our media

Hello, reader! I spent my winter break delving into new series. I started the anime “Death Note” and completed HBO’s…

Not Vanilla: The cultural cues of year’s end

Reader, you already know that 2018 is coming to a close. I hope your year has been wonderful, despite the…

Not Vanilla: At the crossroads of sass and serious

Reader, these past few weeks I have been watching some daytime TV. I cable access where I live. Instead, I’ve…

Not Vanilla: A comical approach to expanding worldview

As a high-school underclassmen on the speech and debate team, I met a lot of older student deeply interested in…

Not Vanilla: Songs to cure your pre-winter anxiety

Well, reader, this week we have finally been plunged into the cold darkness of a Rochester winter. With the encroachment…

Not Vanilla: On breakup videos

The other day I was browsing YouTube and proceeded to fall down what some call a “YouTube hole.” I started…

Not Vanilla: Traveling informed

Historically we’ve been fascinated by travel. You can see it in Western idealism of exploration — explorers risking their lives…